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By T.L. Hart January 17, 2020
Believe it or not, the color of your walls can influence productivity, mood, and satisfaction. If you’re having a bad day, walking into an office that's painted all gray is not going to help elevate your mood! If you want to raise morale and see an uptick in the productivity of your employees, consider having T. L. Hart, Inc. add some color to your rooms. The following are ways that color can affect us. Warm colors Using warm colors are ideal for stimulating the senses. Red has an energizing effect that helps increase brain activity and creates a feeling of urgency. Orange helps promote social communication and interaction. Overall, warm colors can make your people feel energetic, cheerful, warm, creative, and productive. These colors can also stimulate appetite, which is why many restaurants use them. The downside of using warm colors is that too much can lead to overstimulation. Yellow, for instance, should be used sparingly, as too much of it can provoke a sense of anxiety. This is why T. L. Hart, Inc. recommends these colors should be used more as an accent rather than painting entire rooms. Cool colors Cool or restful colors such as blue and green are the favorite colors of many business owners. This is because they can help employees feel more focused, positive, and relaxed. Blue is known for its calming effects and can keep people focused on their tasks throughout the workday. It is the perfect color to use in a conference room because it will encourage new ideas and intelligent solutions. Blue also creates a soothing and tranquil ambiance to help get through tough meetings. Another cool color that is popular is green. Associated with nature, rejuvenation, and relaxation, green is ideal for reducing eye strain from prolonged computer use and also helps in reducing anxiety. Cool colors are perfect for high-stress organizations. Neutral colors White, light grays, browns, cream, and beige all fall into the neutral color category and can be useful in almost any environment. Colors like these are used to invoke a sense of comfort in the home and workplace, but by themselves are not very exciting. Accenting neutral colors with bolder, brighter colors on the spectrum will aid in not only enhancing the look and feel of your rooms, but help energize the people in them. What are the best colors for productivity? If you want to increase employee productivity, the best colors to use on your office walls are red and blue. This is because red is ideal for tasks that require great attention to detail, recollection, spelling, and punctuation. Blue, on the other hand, promotes imagination and invention, and is ideal for brainstorming and conceptualizing new ideas. Using a combination of desirable colors on your office wall is an effective way of inspiring and motivating your employees. If you need help picking what color scheme will work well in your office, give us a call . We'll sit with you and discuss the possible color options you can use for your office.
By T.L. Hart March 1, 2013
If you’re like me – a small business owner with minimal staff – no doubt there are times when you wish you had someone to bounce an idea off of or help you through a difficult decision. If this is the case, you could benefit by forming an advisory board. Let me suggest several benefits that derive from meeting regularly with a group of individuals for the purpose of obtaining advice: Unbiased perspective. Often the small business owner can't see the forest for the trees; they are too caught up in the day-to-day operations of their company. Given the proper information, a good advisory board can often see things that the businessperson can't or doesn't want to see. Experience pool. If members are selected wisely, you will have a collective experience that surpasses your own. Oftentimes, though their industry may be different, they will have ‘been there, done that’ and be able to offer insight how you might handle a problem or tough decision. I call this benefit wisdom. Encouragement and support. It is likely your board members will be serving because they value your relationship and desire your success. Just showing up – not to mention the advice they give, can be a tremendous encouragement. Depending on your board, it may not be unusual to get a call during the quarter, checking in on you and offering helpful comments or other suggestions. Accountability. I'm a firm believer in accountability - it is, perhaps, the number one reason I’ve had an advisory board (in one form or another) for over twenty-five years. Being accountable to someone other than myself affects the decisions I make and the actions I take. It helps keep me honest, in check and on track. And for most small business owners, this is critical. Who should serve? At one point, needing advice for selecting 1-2 new individuals to serve on my board, I asked one long-standing member (who also had an advisory board) what criteria I should use in selecting candidates. Here are some of the highlights of that discussion – along with a few things I've learned over 20 years: If they are business owners, their company should be larger or more profitable than yours Avoid lawyers, accountants and bankers - you already have relationships with these people and can obtain the information you need when you need it They should represent a cross-section of general industry – not just yours They should possess expertise in areas that you are deficient in They should be willing to serve for less than what their time is worth They should have a sincere interest in seeing your company succeed Notice I've said they should be paid. For sure, the financial pressures of small business are huge, but when weighed against the wealth of information and experience to be had from an advisory board, the cost is minimal. What is the right amount? That is between you and your potential candidates, but the compensation should reflect the value you place on their time, given your means. When should you meet? I recommend quarterly, because it is often enough for your members to stay in tune with your business and its unique challenges. Not only that, in most small companies there are always issues to be addressed and if you only meet once or twice a year, it is difficult to get the help you need when you need it. What should you look for and where do you find these people? Although every company is different, there are key areas common to most: finance, marketing/sales, operations, HR, and systems/management. I suggest that you build a board that, at least collectively, will provide the needed expertise in these and other critical fields. I found the best way to build a board is through the relationships in the marketplace I already have. For a new start-up, however, the owner might ask other, more established owners or solicit names through the local chamber of commerce or an industry association. There’s a proverb that says, “plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” I believe an advisory board is just what the small businessperson needs to help ensure their corporate success. Leave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart November 21, 2012
I'll not forget the spring of 2002, which is when the effects of 9/11 finally hit my painting firm, T. L. Hart, Inc. Like most other companies the world had been a good place to do business in; Michigan had been booming during the 90's along with the rest of the country. And we had all built business models on what had become the norm. That all changed for this company that first and second quarter - here we were with an organization fitted to large amounts of projects, with little to no work. It was during an advisory board meeting when one of the members said, "just do something, start something; just get moving." It didn’t matter what it was, and it didn’t matter if what we did endured. All that was important was for us to get something going, get something in motion. His advice proved to be absolutely correct. In May, closing the company's doors was a serious consideration. By the end of December, however, we had realized our second highest sales year ever, and we ended the period in the black. I had been studying John Maxwell's The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership during that period. Maxwell is arguably America's leading authority on the topic of leadership, with multiple books, DVD's and audio versions of his various seminar presentations. In this book Maxwell presents what he believes and others agree are twenty-one laws that apply to everyone at all times without exception. One of them is the Law of Momentum. The Law of Momentum (or, the Big Mo) says this: there has to be forward progress - some movement, and that's the leader's responsibility. In some way, shape, or form things have to get moving. That's why small victories are important, because with each success you build momentum that helps move the organization further. “It's hard to steer a parked car,” Maxwell point out, "but when you have momentum on your side, the future looks bright, obstacles appear small, and trouble seems temporary." That’s why momentum is a leader’s best friend. It reminds me of what Jim Collins writes about in his bestselling book, Good to Great. He talks about a flywheel, which at first is hard to get going. It takes a lot of effort initially. But then you gain momentum, and eventually it's as if it has a life of its own - it is literally flying, round and round, at high speeds. At this stage it requires little exertion to keep it going, and so much can be accomplished. One vivid example Maxwell provides comes from his video presentation of these twelve laws, and involves a locomotive. At 55 miles per hour the train can break through a steel-reinforced concrete barrier six feet thick – with hardly anyone noticing. But when in a stopped position, a single concrete block placed against its drive wheel is enough to keep it from moving forward. That’s why you have to get and stay moving if you are to reap the benefits of this law. How to use this law to your advantage? First of all, you have to understand its value. If you are like me, you’ve had an experience that demonstrates its power. Any forward movement – in any area or endeavor of life – is enough to provide the impetus to get you headed in the right direction. You have to understand just how important momentum is. Secondly, you’ve got to figure out what are the motivating factors in your life or organization. For me in my company, it was the threat of fiscal failure. But maybe it’s the need to get physically fit, or financially stable. Whatever the circumstances, some sort of forward movement is critical to success. The next step is to get rid of things that will prevent your gaining momentum. In some cases it may be apathy on the part of the leader, or people in the organization that are content with the status quo. To get things going however, the block in the front of the wheel of your corporate or personal locomotive has to go. You have got to remove the de-motivating factors. Finally, you do what is right whether you feel like it or not. This is what Maxwell calls “character leadership.” You recognize the need to win, but you know you can’t win unless and until you do something. So regardless of the situation, you act. You get things going, and you recognize and honor others who do the same. I am intrigued by the statement, “leaders are momentum-makers; managers solve problems.” I have often been party to the latter. Too frequently I have fretted about the circumstances, seeking to analyze the state of things, trying to come up with procedural or systemic solutions. The real problem, however, is to just get busy doing what you’re supposed to be doing – in my case, selling, getting projects started. I have found that once things get going, problems have a way of taking care of themselves; it is amazing how many problems go away when you’re moving forward. I find it amazing what momentum does for you. From the vantage point of outsiders, if you are busy as a company, it is no matter whether you are making money or not – they think you are. If they’re a vendor, they are pushing product through your organization at a fast pace, and they are enjoying the company’s momentum. That’s because, as Maxwell teaches, momentum is the “great exaggerator.” It makes you look better than you really are – and it makes your people look better than they are. Conversely, if you are stopped in place with little to nothing going, the lack of momentum makes you and your people look worse than you are. As an aspiring leader, there may be perhaps nothing more important thing you can do but to put something in motion. In my company, the things that de-motivate people the most is a lack of work and the feeling of inactivity as a company. So I have come to learn that the best thing I can do at times is just to get some work in the door – any work, at any price. I know this isn’t the profitable thing to do, but in a sense it is; it gets the blood of the organization moving. It makes everyone feel better about themselves and the company. And you see things begin to improve. Why? Because you’re gaining momentum! There is so much truth in all this - both for small painting contractors like T. L. Hart, Inc., and for large organizations (like General Motors) and governmental entities (State of Michigan). Just get something going. Get pointed in the right direction, put forth all the effort you can muster, and get the ball rolling. That's the 'Big Mo' - the Law of Momentum.  Leave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart October 26, 2012
Listening to Robert L. Trezise, Jr., President and CEO of LEAP (Lansing Economic Area Partnership) two times in one month makes me think that former Mayor David Hollister’s vision of Lansing as a world class city is coming to pass. Consider the facts: Lansing area ranked best in the nation for job growth in three major sectors Lansing region’s GDP is 2nd best in the State of Michigan Area population is growing Greater Lansing named one of three in Michigan with growing housing market Lansing is home to a number of major insurance companies and three state-of-the-art GM plants I could go on (read all the good news at www.purelansing.com ). Not only is Trezise to be praised for his outstanding work at spearheading development in the region, but Hollister more so, because everything begins with vision. Vision defines the long-term goal, which then frames the central effort required to achieve that goal and the strategies needed for the work to get done. All this is being played out as I write this article. But there is a greater vision overarching Lansing that transcends economic development and is, in large part, responsible for it. It has nothing to do with keeping GM or other companies in the area or luring them here to begin with. It is a spiritual and moral vision that encompasses all others. For years pastor’s groups have prayed for the well-being of Lansing. One pastor I know of walked around the entire city interceding for its people. Another prayer group drives around the city’s highways, praying over it. Recently, Mt. Hope Church held a rally on the Capitol lawn, speaking blessings over the city, following the gathering by donating two tons of food to the City Rescue Mission. The impact of such people and events cannot be overlooked in Lansing’s rise in economic growth and other terms. I can’t help but remember Mayor Hollister, who saw the strip joints and prostitution on Michigan Avenue as blight on the city. Today – as a result of his vision, we can be proud of the approach to our capitol, with its beautiful street lights and planters, Cooley Law Stadium, the Lansing Center being the highlights. The truth is, by the blessing of the upright a city is exalted. In other words, it is the spiritual condition of its people that causes a city to be what it is. Economic development springs from spiritual development and, ultimately, is the blessing of God, not solely the works of men. True spirituality and prosperity go together; in many ways they are inseparable. I am grateful for the vision Mayor Hollister had years ago - and Mayor Benaro is to be praised as well for continuing the effort. And Trezise - our appreciation goes out to him too. But the real praise goes to God, who cares for Lansing and its people and desires earnestly to see it thrive and prosper. The vision for Lansing is unfolding – all under His beneficent rule. 2 Comments Terry Hart November 9, 2012 3:03 am I actually thought that way too – and I believe McCane really did get the ball rolling. However, when I shared the draft with Ray Tadgerson who worked with Mayor Hollister, he said it was really Hollister that got the MI Avenue mess cleaned up. mike October 27, 2012 1:34 am actually it was mayor mccain who first began to remove the strip joints and peep show houses on michigan ave. he was a christian connected to the lansing churches, hollister not so much L  eave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart January 16, 2012
I was a bum in the late 60's. I barely made it out of high school, and I flunked out of college at least three times before I finally buckled down and got an Associate's degree. Though I hated to paint and was anti-business at the time, I ended up taking painting job in 1974 with a view to making more money. In short order my workload increased and I was forced to deal with such things as payroll, taxes, advertising, and the like, learning to keep accurate records of it all. After 10 years of this and weary of wearing all the hats, I was looking elsewhere when, as Providence would have it, I caught a vision for business. Thus in 1985 T. L. Hart, Inc. was born. Now, 27 years later, having generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue, made and lost money, built a building and lost it, seen 100's of employees come and go, T. L. Hart is still in business. During this time I've not only supported my family, bought and sold homes, contributed to charity, and provided employment for others, I have established a name in the industry and created an entity which, if I play my cards right, will endure long after I am gone. All this because I have had the liberty to do so. My entrepreneurial story has been played out by countless others all across the United States. The freedom to take an idea and invest your time and money into it - with the potential for succeeding and the risk of failing, this is the stuff of America. It is called capitalism, and it is this economic system that has built and prospered this country for hundreds of years. Regrettably, there is a movement underway that threatens our way of life; ostensibly, it's goal is to help the so-called 99% reclaim what is presumed to have been lost; in reality, its aim is to undermine the very structure that has made America great. To be sure, there is corruption and greed in the corporate halls of America; but not every corporation is corrupt, and not every executive greedy. To make these kinds of claims is simply dishonest. With all its apparent weaknesses, capitalism remains America's best bet for the ongoing betterment of its people; all the proof one needs is seen in other economies of the world. In comparison there is no comparison. I believe the late Jim Russell was in his early 40's when he sold his car for $2,500 and started Russell Business Forms in a spare bedroom of his home. Eventually renamed RBF, Inc., Jim built an organization that spanned multiple states and employed dozens of people. Very conservative as it pertained to business and finance, Jim's company profited wonderfully over the years and, as he was philanthropic, he contributed millions of dollars to various charities, not the least of which was his own Amy Foundation. Not only that, he helped many others like me and my family, fronting the money for a building program and assisting with my daughter's college tuition. Shortly after his death at age eighty in 2005, RBF was sold and the proceeds went to his family, many of whom took the money and started their own businesses. Such is the beauty of capitalism. That is why I like it. And that is why I will stand up for it. L  eave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart October 11, 2011
Unlike some taking to the streets lately, I like banks. I like the idea of depositing my paycheck and having the assurance that the money is there when I need it. I like using my debit card, even if there are sometimes fees attached. But some things banks do make no sense. After leasing for 17 years, we had just started building when terrorists attacked the U.S.in September of 2001. Our company had grown considerably during the 90's, and our space needs grew as well. After the trauma of a move in early 2002 we were nicely situated in our new digs; thankfully, we had had considerable work to carry us through the winter. By April, however, it was a different story. Here we were in a brand new building - with a brand new (and fairly large) mortgage - and Michigan's economy began to tank. T. L. Hart could hardly buy a job and was over-staffed. And so became the saga of a long and painful decline in revenues and net worth with the resulting down sizing. Fast forward to January 2010: our long and friendly relationship with our local bank turns adversarial when a loan officer whom we have never met shows up at our door and informs us that the bank is calling our loans, all of them - two separate mortgages and two commercial loans. Without using the words he essentially told my wife and I to file bankruptcy immediately. By that time we had become quite unshakable. We had already lost virtually everything we had gained from 1985-2001 but were not giving up; what we had left was our personal integrity. Bankruptcy was not an option. It is amazing how trials can strengthen your resolve. We were determined to see the thing through regardless of how long it took. Even though we had never missed a payment on any of the notes, we were being rewarded by the threat of having what assets we had left stripped from us. We decided to exercise our faith - and hire a good attorney. Both paid off. Within nine months we witnessed a vast majority of our debt dissipate. Yes, the bank took our properties, but they not only forgave the deficiencies (mortgage balance minus market value), they also forgave our commercial loans. By the end of 2010 we had not only enjoyed one of our best profit years ever, but saw what had been liabilities drop directly to the bottom line. Miracles do happen - even in the corporate world. God is good. I believe in miracles.  Leave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart December 1, 2010
I've done a considerable amount of writing in the past, and one thing I learned early on was the practice of submitting my article to others for critique. Humbling at times and often uncomfortable, my writing skills became better over time as a result. I believe there is a powerful principle here that is applicable to the entrepreneur, and for the following reasons. But first I should clarify what I mean. The American Heritage Dictionary defines criticism as "the act of making judgments or evaluations," and critique as "a critical review." Thus when I speak of the power of constructive criticism I refer to a process whereby an assessment is made by the entrepreneur - or, by others - of any one segment or the whole of an organization, which, if acted upon, results in its betterment. I believe this can and should happen on one or more levels. The first I would identify is self-criticism, and there are at least three venues for this. The most basic is where the business owner evaluates the enterprise, identifies areas needing attention, and takes corresponding actions to correct or improve them. As most entrepreneurs are naturally inclined to do this anyway, this is an ongoing and continual process, albeit a mostly unplanned one. Closely associated is the input available from company personnel. A valuable HR tool I've used over time is the Same Page© format of employee evaluations. In this format not only does the company evaluate the employee's performance, the employee evaluates the company's performance. Admittedly, criticism obtained here is not always constructive, but it is valuable from the standpoint of obtaining an employee's perspective of the operation. Plus, what it says to your team is that their input is important and their ideas welcome. The final venue for self-criticism is a more formal one, that of the SWOT analysis. Here, the management team or select individuals take a close look at the company and identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This process can also be discomfiting at times, but the information garnered provides an invaluable tool for goal setting and planning. The second and most important level of constructive criticism should be sought outside the organization; namely, from the customer or an independent consultant or group. I'll address the latter first. Perhaps the best counsel I received early in my business career was to form an advisory board for my company - which I did, maintaining it for over 20 years. Meeting quarterly, this group - comprised of successful business people - reviewed my financial statements, pending major decisions, and future plans, all with an impartial perspective and unafraid to point out deficiencies. In recent years it was a CEO group I belonged to that gave me what I needed to move forward in the new economy. None of the above compares however with the input the customer provides. While I can't say I love complaints, I can say the ones I have received and responded to have served to make T. L. Hart a better company. It isn't all about complaints, though; it is finding out what the customer likes and dislikes about what you do for them. This input must be solicited, whether by way of a personal phone call, an online survey, or a client-satisfaction response card. There are also companies that can provide this kind of service for you. As far as I know, no individual or company has fully arrived and cannot improve in some way. Inviting and applying constructive criticism goes along way toward achieving this end.  Leave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart September 20, 2010
It wasn't long ago that my son, John - who happens to be in corporate finance - challenged my business model. At the time, I wasn't so sure that I knew what a business model was, let alone what ours was. Over a period of years, however, I have learned that whatever your business model is, it must of necessity fit the market you are in. And, if it doesn't, you have to change it. I call this the Law of Adaption, and this is the way it works. 1. The Law of Adaption says that if the shoe doesn't fit, then you had better try a different shoe. The point is, markets vary; there are geographical realities, demographic realities, and economic realities. If, for example, your business model is geared toward manufacturing, and manufacturing in your area has dwindled, then you had better look for something else to gear to. 2. The Law of Adaption says that it is not about what you want, it is about what your customer wants - and this is subject to change. That is, what is important to the customer today may not be the same as what is important to the customer tomorrow. And while some things never change, other things are always changing. A case in point is the current emphasis on environmentally friendly products and services. What was non-existent in the customer's mind ten years ago is now becoming predominant. 3. If changing customer wants and needs are not enough, changes in your customer's personnel compel your company to adapt. The Law of Adaption says you must adjust to the people within the organization you serve. The face of corporate America has changed dramatically in recent years. In some cases entire levels of management have been eliminated as a result of downsizing. In other companies seasoned personnel have been replaced with younger, less-expensive individuals. In each case it is imperative to keep track of changes, and quickly acclimate your firm to new people. 4. The Law of Adaption says that you must constantly assess your product and service offering, adjusting it where necessary and eliminating things if need be. I have seen this in my own industry. Whereas vinyl wall coverings were in great demand in the 80's and 90's, multicolor paints became the product of choice in the past decade. Now, however, it is slowly changing back. For us, this has meant a change in personnel and the skills required for employment at T. L. Hart, Inc. 5. Finally, the Law of Adaption says that a company must fit the dimensions of its market. In this case, if the shoe doesn't fit, then you had better try the other foot! Put another way, the market you are in determines the size of your company and the room it has to grow. A company located in a relatively small geographical region cannot look and act like one in a large metropolitan area if it wants to survive long. In other words a large company in a small market doesn't work unless it expands it scope. I'm sure there is more, but the point is things are always changing, and if you and your business do not adapt to the changes, then chances are you'll succumb to the company that does 1 Comment Stephen Isaacson December 24, 2010 1:29 am Found this link through linkedin… Just wanted to say that I like what you say… Since teaching, I have learned to always remain “positive and flexible” in my approach to any given situation, with it’s ‘merely assumed’ or hidden structural constraints; with any positive or surprisingly negative customer feedback or expectation; or, whenever dealing with any unforeseen opportunity or incalculable risk that only manifests itself through the vigorous sifting of our own actions and attitudes toward the problem…in other words, our work, our vocation. In other words, I am a teacher that always tries to learn more from my ‘stakeholders.’ I know the importance of change, because i am in the business of change…I need it, and I expect it. Nothing is sure, but in order to survive, I need to cause change. The kind of change I am looking for, though, is improvement. So I know that Change will always happen…whether I am here to see it tomorrow, or not…but, today, I know that I must put something in motion that hasn’t moved in quite some time. Sow a good seed way before it is harvest-time – that I might not ever get another chance to sow again – and watch for the harvest. L  eave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart May 13, 2010
Ancient text informs us that "without vision the people perish;" it is during challenging times like these that vision is tested and often lost. My mentor for twenty years and author of "Awakening the Giant," the late Jim Russell, used to say that vision is the definition of a long-term goal. No wonder then, that without it businesses lose their bearings and find themselves in a morass of problems that threaten their existence. By nature, entities must have purpose for being - a long term goal, if you will - in order to provide impetus for progress. When lost by reason of economic upheaval or other types of duress, it must be restored. This process, the restoration of vision, involves at least the following four points. Perhaps most important is to re-establish first cause. In other words, to go back to the beginning and revisit the purpose for which the company was established to begin with. Whether it was to be your own boss, create jobs, or save the environment - whatever the reason, chances are it is still valid and, once reinstated, will enable the enterprise to move forward. I should caution here that in order for a vision to advance anything, it must have sufficient power. Being your own boss, for example, gets old in time, especially when recession and financial pressure makes life uncomfortable. A vision has to be larger than that, big enough and powerful enough to drive the company towards it. Jim Collins, of Good to Great fame, refers to it as a "big, hairy, audacious goal" - or a "BHAG." It has to be big, it has to be scary, and it must be bold enough to qualify. If it is not, then a new one is in order. The second step is for management to make a firm commitment to the fulfillment of the vision. This pledge cannot be unlike that made by our founding fathers, who dedicated their lives and sacred honor to the realization their long-term goal - a free and open society. In other words, the vision must be worthy of our dedication to it. What is amazing about America today is the fact that fewer and fewer citizens posses a working knowledge of the Constitution, and are, as a result, suffering the loss of freedoms guaranteed by that document. This is largely because it is no longer taught in our schools and universities. The lesson is this: vision must be communicated. It is not enough to have one. It is not enough for the owner(s) to be committed to it. It has to be communicated to every level of the organization. This is the third point along the way of restoring vision. Finally, vision must be policed. By this is meant the patrolling of the BHAG. One does not have to look far to see companies and organizations that once had brilliant vision statements and noble causes now a far cry from their original purpose. And this is an ever-present threat for those brave enough to establish and pursue something larger than themselves. For this reason the goal must be carefully watched and protected. Vision is a powerful thing; it has driven men and nations to achieve both the extraordinary and the atrocious. It relatively easy to obtain but difficult to maintain. Once lost, it is very hard to get back. There is hope, however, for those whose dreams have been shattered, whose vision obscured, and whose goals hindered. They can be restored. You can get them back. Re-establishing your original purpose, committing yourself to it, communicating and policing it, are actions you can take to do just that.  Leave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
By T.L. Hart February 3, 2010
It wasn't long ago that I enjoyed lunch with a long-time customer and friend. He was undergoing cancer treatment at the time, and was doing quite well. He told me one thing that had come of his illness was a realization of the importance of faith and family. Those comments had an impact on me and have stayed with me ever since. Among those qualities that make people great is the proper ordering of priorities. It is all about focus. Whether a thing is important to us or not is seen in the amount of time and energy we put into it. If we spend ourselves climbing thecorporate ladder, it is clear that being at the top counts. If playing golf is important to us, we'll be sure to work it into our calendar. My point is that where our time is spent is a strong indicator of what is important to us. My friend was a good man and well-respected in the community; sadly, he won his first go-around with cancer, but lost the second. In the interim, however, he came to grips with an issue that often eludes us. What really matters in life is not how big our businesses are or the size of our bank accounts, but our heart condition toward God and those closest to us. I realize faith in God and the marketplace seem worlds apart for some, with little room for religion in the fray of day-to-day business. Not a few feel that way. Maybe my friend felt that way - until he was hit with a life-threatening disease. I have observed that regardless of your persuasion, faith becomes important at some point in your life. It may be the death of a loved one, an impossible situation at work, or simply a question as to life's purpose. Whether it is embraced or allowed to pass is another issue; nevertheless, faith is not a stranger to most people. Unlike faith, which relates to an unseen world, family is flesh and blood, and too often they are neglected in our race to achieve. Success provides little succor, however, in times of duress, and no P&L will comfort you when you most need it. Your family will. I have been happily married 38 years now and am the proud father of five children. In my race to build a business, I was often gone and frequently worked late; and when things were not going my way it showed up in my demeanor at home. Though deeply committed to my family, I look back with some regret for not spending more time with the kids, and not being more emotionally present when with my wife. Those are days I can never get back. But what I can do is put 'first things first' today - intentionally placing my focus where it best belongs. It is unfortunate that it often takes tragedy to put things in proper perspective. Maybe that's one reason bad things happen to good people - like my long-time friend. I am glad he had the time to refocus his attention on what mattered most; what is really tragic is that many people don't. 1 Comment Erica Jackson (Hart) February 4, 2010 6:38 am Reading this makes me feel like I could be sitting next to you in the living room, listening to you speak. I am so blessed to have you as my father. And you have blessed me every day of my life, raising me and guiding me into love and truth. I wish I could be with you more… because you and Mom are what matters most. Leave a comment! You must be logged in to post a comment.
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